Up early and away as we knew we wanted to arrive in Deadwood by lunch time. On the way we stopped at Devils Tower (undergoing consideration for a name-change as it is a sacred site for the Native Americans, and this is not their name for it). It can be recognised from the Spielburg film 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind'. It is quite a bizarre structure, rising suddenly from a flat landscape. We stopped and walked around for a while.

We had some idea of what to expect from Deadwood; unashamedly a tourist hotspot and cashing in on the stories of Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane and other tales of this lawless town in the heart of gold-mining country in the 1870's. But we thought it would be fun, and it was! There were a few performances of the stories in the street and later a trial of the man who shot Wild Bill.

We also had a good time getting some 'olde' photos done and a small flutter in one of the casinos.

We had a few drinks in Saloon 10 and got talking to some people from various places in the US, and more drinks flowed and the conversations really opened up. So interesting to hear about how they see the UK, opinion on gun laws, and the current and previous presidents. We had to tread carefully as they were clearly of the Trump-persuasion. Despite this we had a great night and left a bit the worst for wear at about midnight.